The University of Georgia researchers also identified the magic number of mercury fillings it takes to increase levels in the bloodstream. In September 2016, researchers published a first-of-its-kind study showing amalgam fillings significantly contribute to prolonged mercury levels in the body. People who receive amalgam fillings may be at risk, too. People who have regular, mild exposure to mercury due to their occupations, like dentists, may regularly have whole blood mercury levels up to 15 ng/mL. When it comes to mercury levels in our bodies, a normal whole blood mercury level is considered to be between zero and nine nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). Mercury poisoning can occur as a result of being exposed to water-soluble forms of mercury (like methylmercury), inhaling mercury vapors, or by ingesting any form of mercury. Due to valid concerns over mercury’s toxicity, mercury thermometers have been phased out of most hospitals and other clinical facilities. Human activities, like coal burning and gold mining, are currently the main sources of mercury being released into our environment. Metallic or elemental mercury (an odorless, shiny, silver-white liquid) is commonly used in thermometers, barometers and fluorescent light bulbs. It’s rarely found as a liquid metal in nature. In nature, mercury is mainly found within compounds and as inorganic salts. Mercury commonly occurs in three forms: elemental, inorganic and organic. It’s released into the environment with natural phenomenons like volcanic eruptions. What is mercury? Mercury (Hg) is a heavy metal that can be found in the Earth’s crust.

Mercury Poisoning Symptoms and Who Is Most Affected

( 4) I’m going to tell you about some natural ways to reduce your exposure and also how to reduce the mercury that has already accumulated in your body, along with how to tell if you may have mercury poisoning. is by consuming fish containing this health-hazardous heavy metal. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the most common way we’re exposed to mercury in the U.S. Mercury serves zero purpose in our bodies, which means we ideally want to reduce our mercury exposure as much as possible. While there is no way to entirely avoid mercury as long as you live on planet Earth, there are many ways to naturally reduce your exposure and intake. It can then travel throughout your body and penetrate the cells of various tissues and organs where it can remain stored up for years, which can cause symptoms that you may or may not realize are the result of mercury poisoning. ( 3) ( 2) This may sound like a ridiculous amount of time, but you have to consider that when you eat seafood containing methylmercury, over 95 percent of the mercury can be absorbed into your bloodstream. However, if you consume a great deal of fish high in mercury, it can actually take up to a year for your mercury levels to go down after you stop eating the mercury-rich fish. Naturally, mercury slowly leaves the body through urine, feces and breast milk. It takes time for mercury levels to build up in the blood. Mercury poisoning is typically not a health problem that occurs overnight. However, due to our diets, environmental exposure, choice of fillings and more, almost every single person in the world has at least trace amounts of mercury in his or her body.

Ideally, we would all have zero mercury internally present in our bodies. Mercury exposure can also negatively affect the cardiovascular system, causing high blood pressure in humans and animals. Mercury poisoning is the result of exposure to mercury, a heavy metal that’s seriously toxic to our health. Numerous studies have shown that high exposure to mercury changes and poisons the central nervous system, which can result in irritability, fatigue, behavioral changes, tremors, headaches, hearing and cognitive loss, hallucinations and even death.